Packing frames for a move can be stressful… But don’t worry! #WeCanHelp
A few weeks ago we taught you how to pack glassware for storage or for a move. Other than glassware, there are many valuable things in your household that may need their own how-to for packing. An example is artwork and picture frames. Luckily, we have put together 5 tips on how to pack framed artwork, prints and paintings, along with a step by step guide.
Let’s start with the five tips first. You can use these tips as a guideline while looking at the step by step instructions as you read on.
Tip #1 Organize.
You want to organize all your picture frames by size. By organizing your picture frames by size, you can determine what size box you need to store them. Just make sure your box can be closed for easy stacking.
Tip #2. Identify.
Identify the box that will fit your frames. Small frames can be packed together into a regular box. If your pictures are bigger, you may need to get a picture/mirror box. A mirror box is a box that’s flatter and longer so that you can fit just one frame in it for extra protection.
Hot tip: If a piece of artwork is very small, it can be packed on its edge in the box where you’ve packed your dishes. This saves on space AND keeps your artwork safe!
Tip #3 Check for hinges and hooks.
Before wrapping your artwork and frames, check to see if there are any hinges and hooks. The key here is to wrap the frames and artwork carefully, making sure that the hinges and hooks don’t get caught. This prevents damage on your artwork and the hinges so that you can hang them again at your new place.

Tip #4. Protect.
Like our previous tips, the key to protecting your items is to wrap them. If it is a photo frame or piece of art that you need to protect the front side, protect it with packing paper or foam wrap before using plastic.
If you have a glass frame you can use a moving pad to protect it.
You can also consider wrapping each picture individually with packing paper and/or bubble wrap for extra protection before you place it into a box.
Tip #5 Fragile? Consider moving it yourself.
When moving things that are valuable and dear to you, it’s only normal that you want to keep them in your sight. So when you move precious artwork and sentimental photos, you want to move them yourself in your car, as opposed to a moving truck that has many other things in it. This way, you’ll be able to keep an eye on it.
Now that we’ve given you five basic tips on how to pack your artwork and picture frames, here’s a more detailed step-by-step guide on how to pack them.
Read More: How to Move Couches
Framed Artwork and Prints
Artwork can be very sentimental and significant to its owners, so here at Kleiner Services Inc. we understand that moving these items can be nerve-wracking and stressful. We care that these items survive the move!
Here are the 4 steps on how to pack them.
- Prepare a picture or mirror box for the artwork by putting wadded newsprint paper in the bottom of the box. Do not close the top end.
- Wrap each individual artwork/print with newspaper or wrap them in bubble wrap. Tape something that’s light, flat and rigid (e.g. cardboard pieces) to each side for further protection.
- Place the items in the box. If they fit loosely, fill in the spaces with lightly wadded newsprint or packing paper.
- Tape the box closed and clearly label it “FRAGILE – artwork”. Labeling it alerts the movers and yourself that the items inside are fragile, and therefore should be handled with care.
Like artwork and prints, paintings require extra care. We here at Kleiner Services Inc. understand this, which is why we’ve got a number of easy steps to follow to ensure that your paintings survive the move unscathed.

Precious paintings like this should be protected when moving! Here’s how to pack paintings.
Here are the 4 steps on how to pack paintings.
- Cover the framed paintings or canvas with bubble wrap, and use a strong tape to close it.
- If you’re packing a painting with a glass frame, then place the painting in a picture or mirror box. If it fits loosely in the box, fill in the spaces with lightly wadded newsprint or packing paper. If two boxes are needed for a large painting then place the second box on top of the other and fill the empty spaces with lightly wadded newsprint/packing paper.
- If you’re packing a canvas painting (no frame, no glass) wrap the packed box in bubble wrap again, tape it, and then build a second box for your first box. This would greatly limit the chances of sharp objects puncturing the box and canvas during the move.
- Tape the box(es) closed and clearly label it “FRAGILE – paintings”.
If you’re searching for professional moving solutions in BC, we’ve got you covered. These helpful tips will assist you in preparing your artwork, pictures, and frames for a move or storage.
However, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or don’t want to pack and wrap them yourself, we can handle it for you. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive moving solutions in BC.