Packing the kitchen can be a difficult task. Not only do you have the appliances, but you also have to figure out what to do with the food in your fridge and pantry, and pack the cutlery and dishes.
Whether it’s that beautiful china set that was passed down from your grandmother or a set of dishes from IKEA, here is how to pack your plates, bowls, and mugs with 5 simple tips.
Tip #1 Wrap it before you break it!

When packing plates, bowls, and mugs for moving or storage, it is crucial that they are wrapped before putting them in a box.
This provides a cushion for your items, preventing chipping and breakage. It also takes up extra space, and not leaving space in the box is very important when packing breakables.
You can use various things to wrap your plates and bowls. We recommend using paper such as packing paper, scrap paper, or newspaper.
You can also use fabric, such as tea towels, regular towels, dishcloths, or even rags. Although you can use bubble wrap, this is not recommended because it’s not a very cost-effective method. Stick to fragile valuables for bubble wrap.
Tip #2. Sort your bowls and plates!
We don’t mean just separating them from the rest of your dishware or kitchen items, but to sort them by weight and size. This way you can wrap similar sized items together. For example, flat, medium-sized plates can go together, and small bowls can be wrapped together as well. Do this by using packing paper in between the items and then re-wrapping the entire bundle.
Tip #3. Stacking items
When it comes to stacking, you should always stack your plates vertically. They are more likely to break when packed flat. Always place heavier items at the bottom of the box.
You can use kitchen towels or packing paper to fill extra space between dishes. Bowls should be wrapped and packed the way they are, upright and stacked in the box. Mugs should be stacked between a piece of cardboard, in order to prevent them from being crushed.

Tip #4. Fill fill fill!
When packing breakable items like bowls, plates, and mugs, you don’t want to leave too much space in the box. Whenever there is too much space in a packed box, the items can shift around, which can result in chipping and breaking.
The key here is to not leave any empty spaces.
We recommend that you start filling the bottom of the box with scrapped paper first for extra protection of your dishes. After packing the dishes, fill the empty space with scrapped paper as well. This ensures that your plates and bowls are nice and snug.
We also recommend that you fill the handle of the mug to prevent it from breaking it during the move. When there is pressure applied to the handle, it can break, and filling this empty space prevents it from doing that.
Tip #5 Label the box
When packing anything, you should always label the box. This way when you unpack it is easier to place your items and you’re not left wondering if you’ve lost an item during a move.
It is especially important to label your box if you have breakable items like bowls and plates, this way your movers or yourself can know that the items inside are fragile.
Therefore, label your box “fragile” and “this way up”, that way the box stays upright and there’s no mistake of pressure being applied on the wrong sides, breaking your dishes.
Packing your dishware can be a delicate task, but with these great tips, you can do it with ease. However, if you’re still feeling uncertain or would rather leave it to the experts, don’t hesitate to contact us.
As expert long-distance movers, we have the experience and knowledge to safely pack and transport your dishes to your new home, ensuring they arrive in one piece and ready to use.