

Moving is the one time we highly encourage you to think inside the box. And there’s a surprising amount to know. Here are some tips for what to look for:

Get A Lot Of Boxes
Having an excess of boxes will accelerate the packing momentum. You’ll be able to get your packing groove on without any disruption.

Size Matters & Smaller Is Better
Uniformity is the name of the game. It’s easier to pack and unload the moving truck if all the boxes are relatively the same size. And the twist is that smaller boxes are your best friend. Remember they have to be lifted, so your back with thank you for opting smaller. Smaller boxes ensure a manageable weight for heavy items like books and dishes. Smaller boxes will also help the movers when they have to clear corners and get through doorways.

Labeling Is Key
Colour coding each room will help the movers quickly put all the boxes in the correct room. So investing in a handful of markers will pay off tenfold.

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Now, how will you gather all this cardboard? Free boxes can be found on Craigslist. Be prepared to invest in some stickers to label over top of previous markings. The liquor store usually has great boxes, many with splitters that can help to arrange your items. Grocery stores and fast food restaurants often have lots of boxes that you can use. Free is great, but it’s important to leave lots of lead time get enough of the same size boxes to pack your house.

If the move is happening soon, another option is to purchase some boxes. Boxes can be found at U-Haul, Home Depot, storage rental places and most moving companies.  Another option is plastic totes. These can be rented or purchased. The advantages to totes include durability and an incentive to unpack especially if the totes are rented and you want to avoid additional charges. The totes are heavier and their size may be an issue. Good boxes will make for a great move. And who knew there was so much to think about when it comes to boxes??? Well, actually we did☺

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