The Moving Specs!
From: Vancouver Downtown
To: North Vancouver
Living Space: Living room, Bedroom #1 (Master), Kitchen, Office #1
Budgeted Duration: 4.25 hours
Actual Duration: 4.25 hours

This couple was amazing! They were super nice and super prepared! That is how we loves our moves. When doing a site visit with us we will always provide all our clients with a few tips and alternative options to ensure your move will go smoothly. The client ensured their elevator was booked and it all gravy from there. We also love when our quotes are just on point too!
About a week after the move, the client was preparing their Ikea Malm bedframe and realized that there were two screws missing and a couple wooden dowels. The pieces were dissembled by the client and he couldn’t locate it. Luckily, my family was heading to Ikea anyway so we were able to help the couple locate some pieces that would fit.
**Moving Tip** When disassembling any furniture, you should always take apart and take off all screws and pieces and place them into a ziplock bag. Do not leave them inside the furniture because they can fall out during the move if not secured properly. If screws are sticking out they can damage the piece of furniture too.