Our Feature Friday is Allan Louie CEO Blastmedia Inc. This wonderful man works hard and we are so happy to have him as a contact. He helps us with all our truck wraps, which we will be getting a new set for our trucks soon. We have worked together with junk removals and deliveries.
By the way have I mentioned how I love when our clients submits a family photo?? It just brings a personal touch and connect to who we are reading about. LOVE IT! #keekslife #itsmelinden
Allan and his team are so creative they can help you with any design you have in mind. Need something wrapped with your logo on it? This is the man for you. I don’t think I even need to go on and on about this feature because a photos says a thousands words. Check out his work below.
About Allan and Blastmedia Inc.
Blast Media is founded in Vancouver B.C. a thriving city full of creativity and design leaders. This has given us excitement and challenges that has allowed us execute the unthinkable and output the unimaginable. What started as a small printing company running flyers and stickers has now grown into a much larger business. Maintaining the highest quality and maintaining strong relationships with our customers is our priority. We are looking forward to maintaining our strong roots in an incredible city and taking on projects of all shapes and sizes.
We pride ourselves on our strong relationships and innovative printing options in order to keep our customers outputting the highest quality printing and best possible mediums for their projects. We help our customers and clients execute in order to make their graphic plans and visions come to fruition.
“Seeing the look on our clients face when they see a finished project is what makes this business all worth while. We take pride in the quality of our work and we feel like it’s reflected in the business we do. — Allan Louie, CEO of BlastMedia Inc
Instagram: @blastmedia.print
Facebook Page: Blast Media Print
Website: http://www.blastmediainc.com/