Here’s what to purge and throw away before moving.
When you move, life can be in a turmoil. You’re suddenly surrounded by the realization of how much stuff you really have. However, this can also be an opportunity to take a serious look at what you have in your home.
A new space is a fresh start. Only put things in boxes that genuinely matter. Purging now will keep a lid on costs and make unpacking easier. We already wrote a blog post on what to keep, but what about things you can purge before moving?
That when you ask yourself the big question: What can you live without?
Luckily, over the years we have learned that these are things you can part with, read on to find out more!
1. Clothes

Clothes can be the easiest to purge before moving! Just get rid of anything you haven’t worn in over a year.
Take a good look in your closet. Clothes are the number 1 thing and easiest to purge when moving.
Do you have some clothes that haven’t been worn for over a year? It begs the questions of why you are holding on to them. Consider freeing yourself from the weight of fabric that is holding you down.
The celebrated designer Valentino once said, “Only wear clothes that make you feel alive.”
If your clothes don’t do that, donate anything that it gently used.
Once they are gone, maybe reward yourself with a trip to the mall for missing pieces.
2. Random Parts
We all have a bin or a drawer of random parts that have accumulated over time. Things that seem useful, but what they belonged to has long since been forgotten. If they can be repurposed immediately then, of course, use them, but if not, consider donating or recycling to clear the clutter..

Say goodbye to your rarely-used tools! Keep the necessary tools, purge the rest!
3. Tools
With developments like Tool Libraries, there is no need to hold onto a hardware store’s worth of things. It is easy to get what you need, at little cost. Consider donating anything you truly won’t use. Gone will be the tangled wires and the drill bits, gone will be the reams of sandpaper, jars of screws and the basement full of space-eating tools.
Read More: How to Transition From An Office to A Home Office: A Game Plan
4. Broken Things
Does this sound familiar?
“It just has a chip in it.”
“A spot of superglue and it will be just like new.”
“I could use this when I build the random thing.”
Sadly, nothing is ever just like new. If you haven’t fixed it yet, the priority just isn’t there. Broken things just take up space in your house and can be tossed without regret. Broken things are the most obvious choice to throw out when moving.

Somebody else might be able to breathe life into your old hobbies. If you no longer have use for them, purge them before your move.
5. Old Hobbies
Throughout our lives, we try different things and new hobbies. But when you never quite figured out how to crochet, or how to play chess, it’s time to say goodbye to the hobbies that never was. You can donate your old hobby items or sell them on a marketplace like Facebook Marketplace. Someone will be able to refresh your forgotten hobbies into new.
These are some of the ways you can Marie Kondo your home before your move.
Here’s a final tip: As “KonMary” says, if it doesn’t spark you joy, let it go.
Take a good look around. If you haven’t used something for a long time, maybe it is time to stop holding on to it “just in case” and focus on “what do I really use” and “what do I need”.
A house with fewer things in it will be easier to clean, manage and organize.
The next step after making your plans is, of course, moving. If you require any assistance with packing or moving, don’t hesitate to contact Vancouver moving services provided by Kleiner Services. Give us a call today and let us help you make your move a success.